Monday, December 08, 2008

Running update

I can't believe I haven't posted an update since last week! Sorry! It hasn't been because there's nothing to update on... I've just been super busy!

After the food fest that was Thanksgiving, I came back to the Bay Area ready to get back into running (plus, I needed to burn off all of that pie)! Tuesday night we had our usual Buddy Run and our numbers were back up after low attendance the week before. The run went really well but unfortunately I was battling some winter allergies and was feeling a little sluggish. I ended up running with Amy and one of my mentees and I think we were all pretty evenly paced that night. I felt a little better at the end of the run and managed to sprint the last section of trail! After this week we'll be increasing our run times on Tuesday night which will be nice... running just 30 minutes is enough to build up a sweat, but I'd like to be doing a little more!

Thursday night was had track at DVC again. This time there were no hang up with the gate, or lights and we got in just fine. It was cold out that night, but not too bad up in the parking lot. The track though is down in a little bowl, and the cold air just sits down there. I don't think I really warmed up the entire workout! We did a bunch of intervals last week:
2 laps warm up
Some core exercises (although still difficult, I'm happy to report they were easier than the first track workout!)
Run 1 lap at 80%
Walk 0.5 lap
Run 1.5 laps at 80%
Walk 0.5 lap
Run 2 laps at 80%
Rest and repeat it all again

After the first set of intervals, I was pooped and was chugging water like it was 90 degrees out! I was not looking forward to doing it all again, but it was actually easier the second time around-- probably due to the fact that I was going a lot slower :)

Saturday we had a Coached Run out on Walnut Creek at Arbolado Park. I had never been there, or done a run there so I was looking forward to checking out a new route, especially one so close to me! I drove over around 7:30 and I couldn't believe all the fog! Not only was it very foggy, but it was also very cold! We did a quick warm up and stretch and then started off on the trail. After we started running, I realized that I had run this trail once before, but it had been from the other direction. Even though this route included a big hill (and even a tunnel), it was a pretty easy, flat course. I ran out for two miles and back with a couple of my mentees and when they veered off back to our starting point after 4 miles, I kept going out on the trail for another mile and then back for 6 miles total. I felt really good the whole time, although we started out way too fast at the beginning! After our run, we had our Honoree Potluck-- we have some new honorees this season so this was the first time I heard their stories. As usual, their stories were both motivating, and sad at the same time.

Yes, I am WALKING up the hill :)

On Sunday Claudia and I left for Sacramento at the butt crack of dawn to cheer on some of our friends who were doing the Cal International Marathon. We froze our hinies off up there, but were able to see our friend Lael and a few other runners we knew at mile 5, 10, 17 and the finish. Everyone did a really good job and Lael even PRed!! I had, of course, made Lael a bright neon sign-- not only to cheer him on, but also to help him spot us along the course. Since I knew we'd be standing around at each location waiting for Lael, on the other side of the sign I wrote something for all the runners. I think that my sign was a pretty big hit, judging from all the thumbs ups, thank yous, and "Nice sign" comments I got from runners and spectators. It was kind of creepy though because people kept stopping to take a picture of the sign-- they'd either stop right in front of me (without saying anything to me) or I'd see them from a few feet away aiming their cameras my direction. I felt a little like a minor celebrity, or a freak. Next time I'm charging people to take pictures!

CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who finished the marathon... GREAT JOB!!


Sylvia said...

Very cool sign, Liv!! Congratz on getting back into your running. Thanx for all the good advice on my new blog, too. We're so proud of you! Love, Mom

Amy said...

Great sign! You are living up to your Greatest! Cheerleader! Ever! reputation. :)

Jeanette said...

You are the bestest support a runner could ever ask for!