Friday, December 07, 2007

Happy Happy Friday!!

I'm so happy it's Friday :D I can't believe it's already Dec. 7th... it seems like Thanksgiving was just yesterday!

Last night I went to Havana's and met my co-worker, her cousin and a friend for some dinner and drinks. Traffic was AWFUL!! It seems like there are just more people on the road now, and the rain didn't help matters :( Thankfully the evening's company made up for the frustration on the road and dinner was yummy as usual :D

Tonight I'm looking forward to taking it easy. My winter allergies just kicked into high gear so I'm going to rest up so they don't get any worse... I don't have enough time to get sick right now! Tomorrow I'm heading out to Livermore for a little wine tasting with friends, and then I'm my friend Brandy's date to her company Christmas party in the city!! I know, those aren't very restful activities but I don't have any plans on Sunday so I'll have plenty of time to rest then!

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