Thursday, December 20, 2007

The longest week

Even though I've been super busy this week, I feel like it's draaaagggggeeeedddd on :( Finally the end is in sight though... tomorrow is Friday!!

After a busy weekend things have not slowed down at all. Monday night I celebrated my birthday (yes, AGAIN) with Ms. Lindsay. When I first left work, I wasn't sure I wanted to do anything... a nap sounded awfully good to me. But after a nice relaxing pedicure, I was up to a little more celebrating. Lindsay and I went to dinner at La Fogata, this little Mexican restaurant in Walnut Creek. Afterwards we hit the new Walnut Creek hot spot 1515 for some drinks.

Tuesday I squeezed in a little more Christmas shopping after I left work, and before I had to be at Sports Basement for our TNT Spring 2008 Mentor and Captain training. I've been through this training MANY times over the year so I don't really learn anything new, but I do like meeting all the new mentors/captains who are going to be on the team with me. I think we have a really good group and I'm excited about captaining with Ms. Jeanette!

Wednesday I went straight from work to Alameda to do a little MORE Christmas shopping. That didn't take me too long so I met up with my coworker Ann for dinner and drinks in downtown Alameda. The food was very yummy but the Pomegranate Margaritas were even better. They serve them with a stick of sugar cane, which Ann did not know wasn't edible! Thank god I was there to stop her from eating more than a couple of bites of it! I don't think it sat too well in her tummy :(

Tonight I have MORE errands to run after work and then I'm dropping off some Christmas gifts before I can go home, put a load of laundry in and finally start packing!

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