Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree...

I'm so excited... I now have a pretty (if I do say so myself), fragrant Christmas tree up in the corner of my living room! It's all lit up and decorated and there are even some presents at the bottom of the tree!

This past weekend was filled with lots of fun activities... Saturday I was suppossed to meet my friend Katie for lunch in Redwood City but she was on call at the hospital and got called in :( I was bummed that our lunch date didn't work out since our busy schedules prevent us from getting together often but it did give me a chance to do some errands.

Saturday evening I went into the city with Claudia and Rocky to see Kathy Griffin's show. We had dinner early at a Japanese place and then headed over to the Masonic Center in Nob Hill for the show at 7:00. Man, the city was PACKED!! We parked near the restaurant, and then drove over to the theater a few blocks away but all the parking lots were full. Rocky ended up dropping us off (so we wouldn't have to climb Nob Hill in our big heels!) and parking pretty far away :(

The show was a lot of fun, despite a rocky start due to some sound problems! Before I started watching Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List, I didn't really find her very funny. But then I caught an episode of her show, and I've been hooked ever since! During her comedy shows she talks a lot about celebrities and reality tv. On Saturday she covered Marie Osmond, Oprah, her mother, her new BF Steve Wozniak (co-founder of Apple), Britney and a bunch of other poor celebrities! After the show we didn't feel like going home to we headed out on the town. The night ended with a yummy grilled cheese at Mel's Diner :)

Sunday morning I recovered from the night before slept in and then went to pick up my tree!! After spending a fortune on a chopped down, soon-to-be-dead tree, I went home, drug it up the stairs, put it in the stand and started decorating. It didn't start out too well... I had a little problem with the lights but finally got it figured out. Last time I had a tree was when Claudia was my roomy... with our two sets of ornaments we had enough to cover the tree. I don't have enough of my own to do that, so my mom had lent me her stash of snowman ornaments. I improvised a tree topper with some gold ribbon and a gold sequined star, and my tree skirt is actually a $10 red fleece blanket draped around the bottom of the tree (I couldn't justify buying a not-so-inexpensive, but cheap looking one from Target)-- I think it works though! :D Now it looks so pretty and the house smells so nice! I keep forgetting to take a picture of it so I can post it... I'll try to do that soon!

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