Monday, July 21, 2008

Dancing Queen

This weekend was a pretty mellow one. Friday night I met up with my friend Ann and we went to dinner and then to see Mamma Mia! I had never seen the Broadway musical and didn't know what it was all about until I saw the previews for the movie. The theater was PACKED with women and we got stuck sitting in the second row! It didn't take us long to get used to being so close to the screen and we really enjoyed the movie. It's silly, campy and in some parts cheesy but a lot of fun. A few times during some of the song and dance parts, I caught myself looking up at the screen with the dorky smile on my face. Thank god the theater is dark!!

Saturday I spent the day running errands and dealing with a migraine headeache :( Thankfully it came in the morning and I was feeling better by the time I needed to get ready to head to the city for a TNT friend's fundraiser at a club. Phil and I were planning on meeting up at BART and then grabbing dinner in the city before walking over to the Cellar. Unfortunately the migraine came back on the BART ride in. I stopped at Walgreens on the walk to the Daily Grille and bought some migraine medicine but it really didn't get rid of the headache until the middle of dinner, and by that time I had started feeling really nauseous :( Ugg. I was such a bad dinner companion to Phil... I didn't touch any of my pasta, or even drink any of my soda... but I knew that I couldn't just ditch him to go home. After Phil inhaled his food (at least one of us had an appetite!!) we walked over to the Cellar (and dropped my uneaten pasta on a stoop along the way, hoping some homeless person would be able to enjoy it). By the time we got to the Cellar I was feeling much better. Although the night didn't turn into one of our usually debaucherous Cellar evenings, Claudia, Phil and I had fun. By the time Phil and I were headed back to BART, I was RAVENOUS so we stopped for Thai food along the way. I don't think I stopped to breathe one time during the meal... I just inhaled it all!

Sunday I still wasn't feeling 100% so I just spent the day napping and reading. I managed to finish a book that I had just started on Saturday! And BTW, what's with the weather? When did it turn into winter again? I went out on the balcony to read for a little yesterday and almost froze my hiney off... I had to come inside to get a sweatshirt! I know that sometimes weather and barometric changes can trigger migraines so I guess can blame my migraines on that!

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