Friday, August 29, 2008


I've never been very into politics. I found it all too confusing and didn't really think that I should be voting on things that I had no clue about. Plus, there was never really anything that I felt strongly enough about to want to vote on. In fact, before this year, I'd only ever voted once. (Please don't start throwing stones at me yet!) But recently my views on politics and voting changed. The second time in my life that I voted (and only the first time at a poling place) was just a few months ago and was for some local officials and measures. Even then, I was very proud to receive my little "I voted" sticker :D

The presidential primaries were really what changed things for me. The idea of being part of such a historic time in our nation and possibly being able to vote for our first female or black president was so exciting! Unfortunately, I didn't register in time to be able to vote in the primaries :( but I will be able to vote for President. And not only will I be voting, but I've also been watching some of the Democratic National Convention! Shocker!! I wouldn't say that now I'm really INTO politics (I still prefer trashy news shows over the actual news), but I definitely am paying more attention to what's going on in the political arena. Hmm, does this mean I'm a grown up now?


Sylvia said...

YOUR mother woke me at 7:15 AM to tell me of mc cain's choice for VP, all on my SLEEP IN morning! So, it must be a genetic prob, even though you've had an obvious political developmental delay:-)

PS. I love love love, the card you made for your dad, HOW did you do it please share your secrets!

Amy said...

Yes, you're a grown up now! Congratulations on performing your civic duty and making choices that will determine your future. :)