Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Monday-- Last day in NYC

All things considered, I didn't sleep too badly the night after the marathon. Sure, for the first few hours I would wake up everytime I rolled over because my sore muscles and hips were barking at me, but after a few hours I realized that things were starting to feel less sore. The true test though is that first step out of bed. I've made many hunched over, halted, holding-on-to-the-bed-for-stability walks to the bathroom the morning after a long run! I swung the legs out of bed... no problem so far. Up on my feet... still no problem. First few steps to the potty... STILL no issues! Yeah!

Phil and I got up, got ready and got packed up. We met everyone down in the lobby of the hotel and then headed over to the in-hotel buffet/restaurant. Sure it was typical expensive hotel food but my body was happy with just plopping down at the closest restaurant and my belly was very happy with my waffle :D After breakfast Phil and I went back up to our room so we could finish packing up-- Phil was off to visit a friend in Boston so we had to check out of the room and I parked my bags in the hotel bag check closet.

Jeanette, Rocky, Claudia and I said bye to Phil and then caught a cab up to the Tavern on the Green near the marathon finish line to check out the Finisher's Store. At this point it was only about 10:00 am but there was a huge line to get in. At least the weather was gorgeous. In fact, it was the first, and only, day I busted out my sunglasses! After standing in line for awhile we were told that the line was actually to get your medal engraved and if we were going to the store, we could just walk back in. I was excited to see what kind of "Finisher" gear they had and I was planning on buying something since I didn't get much at the Expo. Unfortunately, the store was pretty bare. It looked like a lot of the items had sold out and they had only limited sizes for the remaining ones :( Foiled again. I did end up buying a "I finished what I started" jacket... it's a men's style but I'll still be able to wear it :)

After we checked out I got a call from my mom... they were just getting to the Finisher Store (she had wanted to marathon items and thought they may have something at the store). There really wasn't anything for her to get so we all left. My parents went on their way and Jeanette, Rocky, Claudia and I headed back to the hotel. Jeanette decided to head over to the airport to see if she could get an earlier flight. I was meeting my friend Ruben who I saw during the race for lunch a few blocks away from the hotel at Dishes. Claudia and Rocky walked over with me and they ate lunch across the street us. It was a lot of fun to catch up with Ruben... we haven't seen eachother for about 10 years since we graduated from college!

After lunch I joined Claudia and Rocky for a beer and we spent the next few hours traipsing around the city. I swear we walked in circles! We finally ended up at the Carnegie Deli for some yummy cheesecake :D They we decided to head back to the hotel to wait for our ride to the airport. The hotel was PACKED with convention attendees all dressed up in their suits so we found a quiet spot downstairs to relax and then went up to the bar to join Amy and Bree for a (very expensive) cocktail.

The ride to the airport was very uneventful. I was exhausted, grumpy, sore, stiff, and done with New York. Once at the airport we breezed through check in and security and then stocked up and food before getting on the plane. I got the BEST (yes, from an airport) salami sandwich from Boar's Head in the food court. YUMMM :) I spent the whole flight watching tv. I think I took about a 15 minute nap. :( Maybe my lack of sleep had something to do with the pain medicine I took earlier... I only had migraine headache medicine which has caffeine in it... whoops. 5 hours later at 12:30 am we landed in Oakland. 2 hours after that I was FINALLY in my nice snuggy bed :D Ahhh... sleeeepppp :)

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