Thursday, November 15, 2007

What do I do with myself now?

The marathon is over. The running shoes were left at the hotel-- there were no more miles left on them. I'm recovered-- no more sore muscles or stiffness. No races planned for the future. What do I do with myself now?

Before I did the marathon I told myself that afterwards, I'd take a LITTLE time off and then start running again during the week with Amy until I either joined the team again, or started training for another race. Usually after months of training, I'm sick of running and end up taking a few months off-- back to being a couch potato! This means that when I start up again, I'm pretty much starting all over with my training and I don't want that to happen. Right now I'm actually excited about running again-- this is my favorite season for running... nice and cold!

So I think I'm going to take it easy until Thanksgiving and then start things up again. I've even been roped into joining the team again in Spring and after feeling a little iffy about it, I'm starting to get excited! Now I just need to pick another race to do... mostly likely it will be a half or maybe even a marathon relay!


Phil said...

how bout the Cal International Relay?

Amy said...

I'll hold you to it - see you Mondays and Thursdays (and maybe Wednesdays) after TGiving! :)

Sylvia said...

Wow Liv, you are awesome...Mom