Tuesday, January 15, 2008

First run of the year

I told Amy that after the holidays I would join her and Pam on their Monday and Thursday runs. For the first couple of weeks of January I always had some prior engagement that prevented me from joining them but last night I was finally able to make it! Unfortunately Amy is taking a forced break from running for a few weeks so it was just Pam and I. We met up in Danville and ran their usual short, short route. Partway through Pam asked if I was up for doing the slightly longer route... ummm, considering I hadn't run for about a month, I wasn't up for that :( The run felt great though... it was pretty chilly out but once we got going I warmed up quickly. I forgot to wear my watch so I don't know how long it took us but it felt like we were running at a good pace! It doesn't look like I'll get a chance to run again for at least a week or so... either Pam has something, or I've got something that prevents us from meeting up :( Maybe at the end of the month I'll be able to fit another run in!


Phil said...

you'll be up in mileage very soon! you have to, you're a Fat Kid now! woohoo!

Amy said...

And maybe by then I'll be able to join you!