Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I love the A/C...

In fact, I love it so much that I was unwilling to drag myself from my air conditioned apartment to go for a run last night. And since I read an article this morning about how over 40 people have died so far from the heat, maybe it was a good thing I stayed inside :D I keep telling myself that I should just get up in the morning and go for a run at 6 AM but I love my bed too much, even more than I love the A/C :D


Claudia said...

I would get up early too to go run but we have a dog who loves to sleep in til the last minute and will not allow me to leave at 6am...haa, haa.

Natalie said...

I feel the same way as you on staying in bed! The few times that I have ever went for a morning run was when I accidentally woke up too early and couldn't go back to bed.