Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Cherries, how I love you...

... but oh man, my belly sure doesn't :( I bought some cherries on Friday night and I've been really good about not eating too many until today. I ran out of the yogurt I eat for breakfast so all morning I've been snacking on a bowl of cherries. Yuuummm, but now I have a belly ache. :( I always go overboard with the darn cherries... it's just so easy to keep popping them in my mouth! Next thing I know, the bowl is empty :(

And on a semi-side note, when I bought these cherries at Safeway, they rang up for OVER $30!! Thank god I have a club card which brought it down to only $14 for the two bags but STILL!!! How do two bags of cherries cost $30?! Are they not in season yet? Are they super rare cherries from some far away place? I think I scared the guy at the check out counter because I kept going on about the expensive cherries.

The rest of my body is also sore today :) Last night when I got home I did an exercise DVD that I have. It's a super good workout and fun because there are 9 sections that you can mix and match: 3 ab workouts, 3 bun workout, and 3 that are arms, legs or both. Each section is 10 minutes long so you can customize your workout depending on how long you want to workout for and what areas you want to work.

I did one leg workout (lots of lunges and plies), one bun workout (more lunges, some squats and ballet type moves) and one ab workout (a few core moves and crunches). Boy is it a good workout... it's enough moving around so I work up a sweat and I can already feel it in my booty cheeks, abs and legs. Hopefully tonight's run will loosen up those tight muscles!

1 comment:

Phil said...

I got some cherries as well. I paid 2.99/lb. And I didn't get it from the side of the road.

I tell you what makes it weigh so damn much! It's that damn nut that's in the middle!!