Thursday, June 21, 2007

Short and Sweet

That's what last night's run felt like! After just a week and a half of training, I can definately feel an improvement in my running. I can go longer without feeling like I'm dying. My legs are recovered from Monday's night exercise video, the weather has been much cooler and last night's run actually felt good!

Claudia, Amy and I met up at our usual spot. We did our usual 30 minute/2.7 mile route but this time spread out a little more instead of staying together the whole time. The major benefit of running together is that we're OUT THERE together, even if we're not hip to hip the whole time!

The first 2 miles felt really good but I could feel myself slowing down during that last mile. I've run that route a million times but each time I forget that there is a minuscule uphill incline on the way back. It's just enough of a slope so that you feel really good on the way out, and a little sluggish on the way back!

After the run we didn't hang out and chit chat with each other like we usually do :D Even though it's a little warmer at 5:30 than it is at 6:30 (the time we used to meet for our TNT buddy runs) it's nice to get home with enough time to eat, and shower before I plop myself down on the couch to watch my fave summer TV show, So You Think You Can Dance! Ahhh, trashy TV I LUV you :D

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