Friday, June 29, 2007

Slacker week

Last night was supposed to be another running evening with Amy but I had to bail on her :( My stomach was feeling crappy all day and around 4:00 I knew that the last thing I wanted to do was go running in the heat. So I called Amy and apologized for canceling. She told me she'd probably just run on her treadmill, I told her I might do the exercise DVD from hell if I felt better... we both did nothing :D So of the 3 days that I should have run this week, I just did one day... whoops :)

I went home, caught up on the Tivo'd episodes of Dawson's Creek that I'd missed this week, cooked up some yummy pasta and then settled back into the couch to watch Wed.'s and last night's episodes of So You Think You Can Dance. Ahhh, nice and relaxing!

A few weeks ago I went home for Father's Day (I'm such a good daughter) and took some pics of my parent's doggies. Chloe, a papillon, is a the "older sister" of the pair and Max, a chihuahua and terrier mix, is the pesky "little brother." It's so much fun to watch them interact with eachother :D I'll leave you with a few "Cute Doggie" pictures to tide you through the weekend!


Max and Chloe

Chloe, with her hair all shaved off :(

Max, as a pup, and Chloe, with all her long hair, back in November

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