Monday, July 02, 2007

Welcome July!

I can't believe it's already the beginning of July... it seems like not too long ago we were saying goodbye to winter. It feels like the older you get, the faster time passes. Summers seemed endless when we were little and now they pass way too quickly!

Friday night Claudia, Rocky, Karen and I went to see the Giants play the Diamond Backs. We had a free parking pass so we decided to drive in instead of BART. BART can be convenient but on game days there are just TOO MANY PEOPLE to deal with! We figured that it wouldn't be easier to just drive in since we wouldn't have to pay to park... and it should have been easier but we had the bad luck to run smack into Critical Mass, a literal mass of cyclists who "reclaim the roads." Of course this happens when I have to go potty too :(

The game was fun... I don't really remember much of it since I had my eye out for the cotton candy man the whole time. Since I was little, attending a professional sporting events was less about the sport for me, and mostly about the people watching and cotton candy, and not necessarily in that order. :D By the end of the night I was on a sugar and salt high (salt from the sunflower seeds, another baseball game must) and my mouth was a pretty blue color. Cotton candy has really come a long way since back in the day... they have all these fancy flavors and colors. I got the 4 in one bag... purple grape, yellow lemon, blue berry and pink something sweet (we couldn't really figure out the flavor on that one).

Saturday I had decided to run on my own instead of going to Livermore with the DV team or Oyster Bay in San Leandro with the Bay side team. I headed to Alamo with the intention of running on the Iron Horse Trail out towards Walnut Creek for a mile and a half and back, and then out towards Danville for the same distance, making 6 miles total. I went out to the Rudgear staging area, since I figured that was about 1.5 miles... it was actually 2.3 miles. I felt really great on the way out (helped mostly by the slight decline)-- at one point I looked at my watch and it said I was doing a 9.49 minute per mile pace. Yeah, WAY too fast. There were a ton of people out on the trail, including my boss' wife Nancy who is training for the Breast Cancer Walk (crazy lady... even I wouldn't attempt that!!).

I definitely took a lot longer to get back to where I started once I turned around. I could feel the slight incline and at one point my hips really started to hurt. By the time I got back to where I started (54 minutes and 4.6 miles later) I wasn't feeling great and didn't think that trying to go out for that last 1.4 miles was a good idea. I was disappointed in myself but I figured that a run cut short was better than getting injured. I'm hoping that it's just a case of shoes with too many miles on them... I've worn these shoes for the past 4 races. Whoops, time to get some new ones!

Later that night, after a nice nap, I met up with Karen and Claudia in Oakland. Rocky's band MotherHumbuckers had a gig that night in the city so us girls met for dinner in Oakland before hand. The band did a really fantastic job, as they usually do, but unfortunately they didn't make it into the next round of Emergenza, a kind of international battle of the bands that they've been competing in. :( After they played we stuck around to get our free CD, sticker and poster and then headed home :D

Sunday I got to sleep in... ahhhh :D The rest of the day was spent cleaning, doing laundry, running errands and working on a special craft project. Man, it was a busy weekend... and it looks like the craziness isn't going stop until after next weekend! Maybe THAT'S why the time passes so quickly... too many fun things on the calender!

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