Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ouchie, ouchie, ouchie...

That's what I've been saying for the past couple of days, ever since that darned track workout. I know, track is good, track makes you run better, and faster but it's SUPER hard :( Right now it hurts to breath, laugh, sneeze, roll over, get out of a chair, walk down stairs... pretty much everything! Here's what our workout was like on Tuesday night:

10 minute warm up (4 times around the track)

Plyometric (explosive) lunges (this hellish exercise where we get in the lunge position, and then jump up to switch legs, coming back down in lunge position)
Hellish exercise #2 (I don't even remember what it was called, I think I've blocked it, but we laid on our backs with our legs up in the air and tilted them to the right, back up, and then left and up)
Push Ups
Bridges (Look easy but are super hard, especially if you have no core strength like I do. Basically you lay on your stomach, back and sides and then prop yourself up on your elbows for 30-60 seconds-- or 15 seconds if you're me)
Plyometric (explosive) skipping

Run one lap

Regular lunges
Reverse Crunches (lay on your back with your feet in the air and lift up with your legs)
Heel walks and toe walks
Butt kicks and high knees

Run one lap then repeat it all again :(

I was so pooped towards the end, and my muscles were so shot, that I actually fell down while doing lunges. And I didn't fall while I was moving, I fell while I was HOLDING the lunge position... my legs just gave out under me. I don't think anyone saw me though, thank god!

After track I felt super nauseous though... I think I was a little dehydrated from not drinking much water that day, and only drinking water, not Gatorade, during the 2 hours of track. :(

Last night I met up with Amy for our weekly run. This week though we had to run a different route since part of the trail is closed off. We ran parallel to the trail on the streets of Danville and it was actually nice... shaded, cute homes to look at and practically no cars. About a mile in, we hooked back into the trail until we turned around a little past where we usually turn around.

The run back took us a little longer since it's the slightly uphill portion. I think we overdid it the first half because we were definitely slower, and took a couple one minute walk breaks, on the way back!

Last night before our run, I had the brilliant idea of taping my foot to prevent more blisters. I put bandaids on the existing ones and then taped around that to keep the bandaids in place. Well, it didn't work so good :( When we got back I took the tape off and saw that my two smallish blisters had turned into two much larger blisters. I think sweat from my feet loosened up the tape and caused it to rub on the skin... nice visual, I know! I went to the store and got some moleskin, but now I have to wait for the blisters to heal before I can use it :(

1 comment:

Claudia said...

poopy about the blisters, hope they heal soon :O(