Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Holy heat wave Batman!

Um yeah, it's super hot outside. It's supposed to be in the 100's over the next couple of days. Thank god for air conditioning! And it's even worse in Yuba City... Weather.com says that it's going to be 107 degrees tomorrow!!! Isn't that about how hot it is in hell? So glad I'm not there right now!

Yesterday I was a busy little bee: I met Jeanette for lunch in Walnut Creek. She just got a new job with the company that Amy works for. This week she's only working part time and she needed me to taste the carrot cake cupcakes she's making for Claudia and Rocky's wedding reception this weekend so we decided to meet up for lunch! That cupcake tasting is a tough job... but I know someone has to suck it up (in this case suck up a bunch of cream cheese frosting!) :D

After work I went to Danville to get some new running shoes and run another errand. I also met Claudia there since I had given her back the ribbon I was using to put together some of the favors for the party. I had finished one batch, given the finished ones to Claudia and then picked up another batch, forgetting that I still needed the ribbon. Duh... such a blond moment. By the time I got home, I was not in the mood to do my workout video so instead I highlighted my hair and worked on the other crafty wedding party project! So productive!

Today I was supposed to meet up with Jeanette and go to the Diablo Valley "it's going to kick my ass" track workout. BUT I checked the website and track is canceled for tonight... yea!!! It's super warm out today so I'm going to just go home and do my workout video.

Tomorrow I'm getting up early to run with Claudia at Lake Merritt. What good girls we are running on the holiday! For the rest of the day we'll be plopped by Claudia's pool with some yummy Sangria and snacks. The rest of the gang will be joining up with us for a BBQ at their place later! It'll be such a nice relaxing 4th of July!

Everyone have a fun and safe 4th of July!!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I heard rumors about you and that cream cheese frosting ... :)