Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Trifecta of fun :D

Tonight a group of us running knitters (not at the same time, we're not THAT skilled) are off to Stitch N'Pitch night with the Giants at AT&T Park. A bunch of us went last year and had a lot of fun... you get to sit in a special section of the park with a bunch of other knitters and last year they gave us a little Stitch N'Pitch tote bag with some yarn, patterns and even bamboo needles. Last year we all knitted a Giant's hat, and this year we were all supposed to do the same. With as busy as we've all been, I think most of us are going to be wearing the hats we made last year!

As it just so happens, our little Stitch N'Pitch night happens to land right during Barry Bond's chase to reach, and surpass, Hank Aaron's home run record. He's only 2 homers away from a tie and he just might reach it tonight. I'm sure McCovey Cove behind the park will be packed with kayakers and boaters vying to catch a home run ball!

What makes this night a true trifecta of fun is the fact that my first major league baseball crush will be pitching for the visiting team. A few years ago, Tim Hudson was part of the Oakland Athletic's Big 3-- 3 very good, and very good looking, pitchers. All three-- Tim Hudson, Mark Mulder, and Barry Zito-- have moved on to new teams but tonight I'll get to see Timmy in action again. :D

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