Friday, July 20, 2007

Rumble in the East Bay!

This morning I got a Bay Area wake up call... which means EARTHQUAKE!! At about 4:40 in the morning I was woken up by a "little" 4.2 magnitude earthquake. I don't think it lasted more than a few seconds but to my half asleep mind it seemed like forever. I remember laying there in bed wondering what I would do if it got worse... run outside in my pjs practically blind with no shoes? Get dressed first, or at least grab a sweatshirt since it's probably chilly outside? Put in my contacts, or just grab my glasses? Put on flip flops? Grab the poor fishy, if he hasn't been sloshed out of his tank? Thank god I didn't have to find out because it was over before I had made any real decisions. But knowing me, I would have taken the time to get partially dressed, put on my glasses, grab my shoes, purse, phone and fishy before I ran outside. Wait, I don't think you're even suppossed to run outside during an earthquake. Hmmm, living in the Bay Area maybe I should know this stuff!

Eeek, tomorrow I have to run 10 miles :( At hilly Lake Chabot :( I'm scared :(


Amy said...

What's scarier, earthquakes in the middle of the night or running 10 miles at Lake Chabot? :)

Claudia said...


I am a big baby so I'd probably be outside half naked, although NOPE you aren't suppose to run outside. But I'd be outside with my pj's and my doggie :o)

Olivia said...

I agree with Claudia... 10 miles at Lake Chabot is scarier... it's not over as quickly and the effects are felt long afterwards!