Friday, July 27, 2007

Happy, happy, joy, joy!

Yea, it's Friday!! Woo hoo!

Last night I had intended to do my workout video since I had missed the track workout this week. Didn't happen. My co-worker Ann invited me to meet her, her cousin, and a friend out at Stanford's for dinner and drinks. That sounded like a MUCH better idea than exercising! What no one was aware of was that Broadway Plaza was also having it's Summer Jazz Series last night too so the whole shopping center was packed and parking spaces where few and far between. :( But we had a wonderful dinner and a lot of fun chatting.

Tonight I'm going to buy a copy of the new Harry Potter book... I wanted to re-read the last one to refresh my memory before I started on the new one. I think I have less than 20 pages left to read so it's time for a trip to the bookstore :D Then it's early to bed for me since I'll be up early to head out to Rocky and Phil's Mentor Led Run in Alameda for an 8 mile run! The Diablo Valley team is having a Coached Run in Oakland, which means they'll have water stops, but I really love running the Alameda course so I'm heading over there instead-- I'll gladly trade water stops for a good run on a good course.

1 comment:

Phil said...

Live 105's morning show has the last Harry Potter book spoiler ring tones.

It's great! It tells you the crucial parts of the book and even references the pages!