Thursday, July 12, 2007

Stare Down...

My coworker brought in a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts this morning... they are now sitting on a table that is right outside my desk area. For the past 2.75 hours (yes, I'm counting) I have been trying to ignore their call.... come, eat me Olivia, I am SOOO tasty! SHUT UP!! So far I've won the stare down, but I don't know how much longer I can hold out :(

So last night I met up with Amy for our "buddy run." We were sans Claudia this week since she was on her way back from a wedding in Tahoe. Amy was unsuccessfully trying to find a satellite signal for her Garmin watch and after a few minutes we just gave up and headed on out. As cool as the watch is (I LUV mine) sometimes getting a satellite connection can take a little time. I've learned to turn my watch on when I leave my house instead of waiting until I'm ready to start running. Sure, I look funny driving down the road with my arm out of the window but by the time I get to the run, my watch is ready to go.

The whole way out, Amy's watch kept beeping, letting us know that YET AGAIN it had lost the satellite signal. Stupid watch. When we get to our usual turn around point and my watch says we've only gone .86 miles, I know some of that beeping must have been my watch too. Our turn around point is actually about 1.3 miles out so my watch probably dropped the signal at some point too. The other crazy thing was that my watch said we'd been running slightly under 12 minutes!! Umm, are we SURE we turned around at the right spot? At first Amy thought we hadn't, that we should have gone one more section of the trail. But then she checked her mileage chart that gives the distances for each street we reach and yep, we turned around at the right spot. I guess that "explosive" skipping really did help! No wonder we were too out of breath to do any talking!

The way back took us a tad longer, mostly because we stopped to walk a little while we figured out if we had turned around at the right spot. 27 minutes later we were done. Yep, that's right, 27 minutes for 2.7 miles... SUPER fast for us! And boy I felt it... I was out of breath and my muscles were starting to tighten up. Today, I can hardly walk... track on Tuesday and our super fast run last night did a number on my calves! Hopefully everything will stop hurting before the 8 miler this Saturday. I'm a little nervous about that distance-- it seems so much further than 6 miles!


Amy said...

Three hours later, have you had a doughnut yet? C'mon, what else do we run for!?!?!?

Claudia said...