Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Insert clever title here

A blog title should be clever... this one short phrase should entice the reader and set the tone for your post. Mine don't do that... they are so unclever and boring and I spend way too much time thinking about them. :( Sometimes I will avoid writing my blog because I can't think of a good title. Yes, I know, I have serious issues. There are way more important things to spend my time thinking about than blog titles, like who will be kicked off this week's So You Think You Can Dance. Can someone please invent a clever blog title generator for me?

So anyway, last night I did absolutely no exercising. :( My coworker Ann is getting ready to sell her house and has been having some work done on it over the past couple of weeks. She just had her floors redone and was informed that she couldn't go home until about 8:00PM. I told her that she and her son Sean could come over and hang out at my place after I got off work to kill some time. She brought some yummy CPK pizza and salad, I opened a bottle of wine (and then another, and then one more) and we had a grand old time visiting until about 10:30!

Her son is such a little cutie... when she first got there he was totally conked out in his stroller. Then he woke up, got out of the stroller, laid down on the carpet and went right back to sleep! We were chatting and laughing and none of it woke him up. Once he did wake up he just walked around the apartment checking out everything, babbling on and on and completely entertaining us with his little 80's dance moves. :D

1 comment:

Claudia said...

if it makes you feel any better i did nothing last night either. Notice I didn't metion last night on my blog? hee, hee. My meal went somewhat like yours. Pizza and beer :O) I had a massive headache again and all I wanted to do was plop on the couch. Ms. Kathy Griffin kept me entertained :O)

and OH, me hates the title thing also :o(