Friday, June 22, 2007

Lafayette Reservoir

I had full intention yesterday of getting up early yesterday and doing the same morning workout I did last year. Yeah, that didn't happen. I think the big spike in my activity level and all this running I've been doing lately has just tuckered me out... I've been so pooped lately! The day ended up being so warm and I didn't really feel like running but I told myself that I had to at least do something!

For a change of scenery, I headed out to the Lafayette Reservoir. The reservoir has a really nice 2.7 mile paved trail that circles the lake and it's usually cooler out there because of a breeze coming off the water. The trail is really hilly though, almost as bad as Lake Chabot, so instead of killing myself trying to run it, I decided to just walk it. My final time for 2.73 miles was 45.33. Some of those hills are a real bitch (sorry mom :D) so I feel like I got a nice workout in even though I just walked it! I think that when I get in a little better shape I'll start running there every couple of weeks... it would be great hill training for Nike.

As I was driving out of the park, I noticed some turkeys along the road in this little field. Did I stop and "gobble, gobble" at them out the window? You bet I did. :P

Happy Friday everyone!! I'm so happy that I have NO plans for tonight! Just me, the couch, trashy tv and then early to bed! After that it's a busy weekend... tomorrow I'm going to run with the Diablo Valley team, go shopping with Claudia, then head to a birthday dinner in Oakland. Sunday it's some kind of workout in the AM and then Stitch 'n Bitch at Claudia's that afternoon! Is it bad that I'm more excited for the bitching, eating and drinking we're going to be doing than the stitching part?!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Maybe every other week or so we should shift our Wednesday run to the Reservoir? Ow in advance!