Monday, February 11, 2008

Car trouble

Who knew that car batteries needed water? Not me... at least until last night! Yesterday started out pretty good... I got to sleep in and spent a little time out reading on the balcony enjoying the beautiful warm sun. Around 1:30 I headed over to Claudia's for one of our Sunday Stitch N' Bitches. I brought some wine, Claudia made some super yummy quesadillas and Amy, Cindy, Anita, Claudia and I got a little knitting, and a lot of bitching, done :D It was a productive day and we had a ton of fun, like was always do! I also got to spend lots of cuddle time with the doggies :D

At around 7:30 we're all ready to go and I head out to my car, put the key in the engine, turn it.... and nothing :( I walked back to Claudia and Rocky's and Rocky drove his car over to try and jump my car. Didn't work :( Either we didn't do it right, his car didn't have enough juice to get mine going, or something more was wrong with my car than just a dead battery. :( Back to the apartment to call AAA to see if they would have better luck. About 30 minutes later (they were quick :D) the guy was there... he takes a look at my battery and informs me that there is no water in it. Huh? I need to put water in my battery? He said he could fill it up and jump the battery, but he thought the battery was pretty much dead, and it might quit on me while I was driving home. NOT GOOD! Good thing is that AAA does have a battery delivery service where they'll come replace your battery... bad thing is that it was too late to have it done that night and I'd have to call in the morning.

Claudia and Rocky generously put me up for the night (THANK YOU for taking care of me!!!). After a trip to the store to get contact solution and a toothbrush (I had a feeling of deja vu... wasn't I doing the same exact thing last weekend in Sonoma?!) we watched a little bit of the Grammy's and then went to bed. This morning I was up at 6:00am and back on the phone with AAA scheduling a time for someone to come replace my battery. They didn't end up getting there until about 9:00 but the battery extraction and replacement went quickly :D And good thing is that I just needed another new battery... nothing else was wrong with the car. I drove home, took a quick shower, and finally made it into work just a few hours late. ... not a good way to start the week :(

I hate dead batteries. I love AAA. I LOVE my friends :D

1 comment:

Claudia said...

You are welcome, it's your room anyway :o)

Glad the car is fixed and it wasn't anything worse or that you go stuck in the dark on Hwy 13 :o( that would have sucked.