Friday, February 08, 2008

A little sore

I can tell how out of shape I am right now because after two very short runs, I'm feeling a little bit sore. Nothing too bad... but those muscles I haven't used since November are reminding me that they are still there!

Last night I met up with Pam in Danville for our run. The weather was perfect... just cold enough for a comfortable run, but not too cold :) We did the shorter route which is a tad over 3 miles (3.2 to be exact). Our pace was very relaxed and we chatted the whole time -- it felt good to be out there!

On a side note... I blogged a few months ago about a missing man in New York-- my former coworker/friend's sister's boyfriend's best friend Tony Devine... follow that?? I just got an update that they believe they have found his body. It seems at this point that no foul play was involved which is good... they found him in the river which means that his death might possibly have been due to a drunk tumble into the river. :( I know how important it is to have some kind of closure in this kind of situation, but it also dashes any hope his family and friends might have had that he could still be alive. How sad for them all :(

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