Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Time for new shoes

My running shoes are old... really old. Since I left my NY Marathon shoes in NY, and the previous season's pair in Hawaii after trecking around in the mud with them, I've been running in shoes that I last wore a few seasons ago :( Whoops. I've been too lazy to go get new ones, and since the older ones didn't seem to be giving me any problems, I kept putting it off. But the time has come... I need to get a new pair of running shoes.

Monday night I went out and ran with Pam. As soon as we started out I could tell that my shoes were pretty much shot. The bottoms of my feet hurt and my slower leg muscles were really tight. We pulled over to stretch and I could feel how tight everything was but oh well, the run must go on :D We spent the first part of the run chatting as usual and then it got quiet. I realized that I was breathing harder than usual-- too hard to easily talk-- and my first thought was that I must REALLY be out of shape :D But then I looked down at my watch and saw that we were running much faster than normal. That explains it! I said something to Pam and she had noticed it too. I think we were going at least a half a minute, and up to a minute, faster per mile! Despite running harder, I still hadn't loosened up by the end of the run... it's definately time to toss the old shoes!

Last night I took the night off and didn't go to the Buddy Run. I ended up staying late at work and then had a project I wanted to work on at home that ended up taking up most of my evening! Plus, I don't want to run too much on these shoes... I'll run in them tomorrow with Pam and then get some new ones before I run again on Monday! Bye bye old dirty shoes!


Olivia said...
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Amy said...

You go get those shoes right now young lady or you'll be taking time off for injury right about the same time I get back!

You guys really need me there to slow you down. :)

Claudia said...

DITTO on Amy's comment...get new shoes NOW, I wouldn't even try to run in the old ones one more time if they bugged you on Monday...okay done being mommy..GET NEW SHOES :o)

Thanks for the comment so far no barfy but still feel ick.

GOOD JOB on the ravelry site, looking good.

Phil said...

yes, get new shoes now. i'd even skip a run until I got the new shoes. run smart! ;o)

Anonymous said...

Have we gotten our new shoes yet?? Love you AND love your feet, Mom

Jeanette said...

I'm right behind you on the way to the shoe store! NEW SHOES! YIPEE!