Friday, May 09, 2008

Call your mother...

This week has been pretty busy... which is why I haven't blogged since Tuesday :( I've been getting things ready for our Coached Run this weekend in Mill Valley, and also my parent's visit this weekend.

Wednesday Christina and I went for pedicures and dinner. We went to this SUPER yummy place Cuz'nz BBQ in Walnut Creek. I had driven past there a bunch but never went in before and I'm so glad that we ended up going there... I think it's one of my new favorite places! The food was REALLY good, and prices were very reasonable and the food is all natural with no artificial colors or flavors (not that I care too much about that but some people do)!

Last night I went running with Lindsay. Pam couldn't make it so we decided to run together at Heather Farms. She wanted to 4, I said let's do 6... and 6 we did (5.62... close enough) :D The first 3 felt really good, but the 2nd three weren't as fun... we were overrun with icky bugs and I think we pooped ourselves out the first three miles. We finished in exactly an hour so our pace was pretty good. After doing shorter distances during my usual weekday runs, it felt weird to be doing 6 miles-- I felt like we were out there forever!

Tonight I have a few errands to run to get supplies for tomorrow, and then it's home to do a little more cleaning to make my place pretty for Mom and Dad. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all you mommas out there!!!

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