Thursday, June 14, 2007

Running update for the week...

I've been a good girl all week and got my running in-- I even did 3 out of the 4 runs on my own! Here's the break down:

Last Coached Run of the Spring team, first Coached Run of the Summer team. I went out to help at one of the water stops and decided that I would get my run in by running towards the start for 1.5 miles and back. My Garmin says that I did 3.08 miles in 36.42 minutes. Not too bad for my first run. I did go out a little too fast and on the way back took a couple of walk breaks. I felt really good afterwards but two days later I was SUPER sore!!

I decided to wait and do my run about 7:00PM since it would hopefully be a LITTLE cooler at that point. Yeah, not so much. It was still really hot out then. I started out on the Iron Horse Trail that runs behind my street and ran out one direction and back, and then out the other direction and back. There are tons of big, tall trees along the trail which provided some wonderful shade, but also screwed with the GPS on my watch. I ran for 25.21 minutes and my watch said that was 1.86 miles-- the Iron Horse Trail map says that section is 1.18 miles so out and back my REAL mileage was 2.36.

I met up with Claudia and Amy to run the Iron Horse Trail in Danville at 5:30PM. I was seriously scared about running that early in the evening when it was supposed to be nearing 100 degrees. I had vision of me fainting with heat stroke and Amy and Claudia dragging my body back to the car. No fun. BUT, it wasn't actually as bad as I had anticipated. There was no fainting, no heat stroke, no hallucinations. It was super hot yes, but we still did the damn thing, with only a little bit of complaining! It definitely helped to run with other people... on my own I probably would have walked much more! Final time was 33.35 minutes for 2.65 miles.

To avoid another hot, evening run, I decided to drag my lazy bum out of bed and go for a run early this morning. Ahhh, SO much nicer out there at 6:30AM than it is at 6:30PM. I decided that since Thursday is usually our track day, I would do something a little different than just run. On the section of the Iron Horse Trail near my apartment, there are two overpasses that cross the street-- they both have a set of stairs that go up one side, and down the other. One overpass is right where I access the trail and the other is about a half mile down the trail at the high school. I started out from my apartment and ran the 100 yards to the trail, then I ran up and down both sets of stairs on the one overpass. Pause... catch my breath. Then I headed out towards the other overpass, did those two sets of stairs. Walk break... catch my breath. I ran to the end of that part of the trail, and back to the overpass to do those two sets of stairs again. Walk break... catch my breath :D And then I ran back to the start of the trail and the first overpass. I skipped the stairs on that one since I need to get back, shower and get ready for work! Even though I started super early, I was still a sweaty mess when I got back-- I don't think I really cooled down until the drive to work with the air blasting! (I know you all really wanted to know that!) Final time: 25.29 minutes.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Wow! I'm so impressed that you ran all those stairs! Good job with the workouts this week, hopefully next week will be cooler. And hopefully I'll whine less than I did last night! :)