Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Soda VS. Pop

I found this website today,, that is trying to answer the age old question-- is it Soda or Pop? What do you call it? I'm a soda girl :D Go to the webpage and do your part to settle this much debated controversy!

Last night I went to track over at DVC. Jeanette was there too this time (aka. Troublemaker) and it was nice to have a running partner for the evening. We started out with a 10 minute warm up, and then did 4-6 strides (pick up speed over 50 yards). After a little stretching, we did some interval training. Basically we were supposed to run at our "5K" pace (which means running hard enough that you can't get more than a few words out) once around the track, and then walk or slowly jog a recovery lap. We were supposed to do that 4-6 times. Jeanette and I figured we'd do 4 to start and then see how we felt after that.

Coach Gary said that he wanted us to try to stay consistent during our intervals-- he didn't want us to run so fast during the first one that we had nothing left for the rest. In fact, he wanted us to actually get faster each interval. I don't really have a "5K" pace... all my running, whether it's a 5K or half marathon, is at about the same pace. So when Jeanette and I started our first interval I was just thinking that I'd run faster than I normally do, but not a full out sprint. I think our first lap was about 2:20 (which if we went 4 times around the track at that pace would be a 9 minute mile). Okay, a little TOO fast. After our cool down lap, we did our second interval. This time it was closer to 2:30. At this point I was thinking there was no way I'd be able to beat my first time. Well, I did... the 3rd interval was about 2:16. The 4th one, which just about killed me, was about 2:11. That last interval took everything I had... there was no way I could do 2 more. So Jeanette and I ran our 10 minutes of cool down. In total, I think we ran about 4 miles, including both our warm up and cool down laps.

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