Friday, March 14, 2008

Who are you??

I'm always very curious about who reads my blog. I know that a few members of my family do(thanks mom and dad :D), and some friends as well, but I'm curious about those readers who don't know me, or don't know me well, that end up on my blog. Enter SiteMeter :D I love this site :D It tells me a bunch of fun details about everyone who lands on my site-- where they're located, how long they stayed, if they out clicked on any links, where they were referred to my site from, how old they are and what their favorite color is. Just kidding on the last two :D I can guess who some readers are based on the information it collects, but for the rest I'm clueless. Who is the reader from Maryland, who from Colorado? I have no idea! And the curiosity is driving me a little nuts!

Here's a breakdown of some of the more interesting statistics from SiteMeter for my last 100 visitors (which is just in the last three days):

Where are you from?
All over the bay area
New York: Commack and Oneanta

How did you find me?
Friend's blogs: Mostly Claudia and Phil
Facebook: I just added my website to my profile... I guess people really DO look at it!
Google Searches:
"Make running fun for kids"... My entry came up 3rd in the search results
"Nike pics"... Came up at the bottom of Page 2
"Ranger kiosk yosemite"... 2nd
"'Pulaski bridge' filpped"... 2nd
"How long to get an appointment at diving swallow in oakland"... 8th :(
"zipline kaanapali"... 3rd
"Fat kids always win at seesaw"... 5th
"New balance runs small"... 1st on the list!! Woo hoo!
"Running what to eat"... 8th :(

My question is, did these people actually find what they were searching for in my blog? Hmmm.


Phil said...

i think it's just mostly me and Claudia stalking you using our own links to get to you. I don't get visitors like you get...Queensland?

Rock said...

"Nacho Lover"....

Amy said...

I always find what I'm searching for in your blog. :)

Anonymous said...

Well I'm one of your stalkers too. (Hehehe) Even though we don't hang out as much anymore, it's nice to come on here and read about what's been going on with you. I'll eventually cave in and start one too.

Sylvia said...

Hi-It's just mom checking in from good ole' Yuba City.
Love your blog!!

Huhtala Family said...

I actually was looking for a running shoe store in Yuba City so I googled "running shoes yuba city" and found your blog! I lurked for a few minutes because I'm planning on training for a half marathon. Just thought I'd post because I know the agony of wondering who all these people are that visit your blog ;)